We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. That means your donations are tax deductible! We couldn’t save lives without support!
Our federal EIN: 85-2858136
We can happily provide you with donation receipts based on any donations you provide.
You can donate funds to our PayPal or Venmo account for veterinary bills, or items from Amazon wishlist, and you can become a monthly supporter by joining our Patreon to send reoccurring donations.
$10 – Microchips one kitten
$35 – Vaccinates one kitten
$80 – Neuters one kitten
$105 – Spays one kitten
The above dollar amounts do not include food, supplies, other medical bills, etc
Paypal: @safeharburcatrescue
Venmo: SHCRdonate
Zelle: safeharburcatrescue@gmail.com
Other ways to help