At Safe Harbur Cat Rescue, our goal will always be to save as many lives as we can. This means we pledge that each cat that comes into our system will be placed for adoption. In the rare event we must euthanize an animal it is due to severe or untreatable illnesses, and only when we’ve exhausted all other options.
Safe Harbur Cat Rescue brings in some of the most vulnerable of the cat population, including neonates, animals with congenital defects and sick/injured animals from the municipal shelters transfer list. These animals come into our care in critical condition and we do all we can to ensure their survival, but unfortunately some of these animals do not survive. These animals who pass on their own, and are not euthanized, are not included in our Live Release Rate.
The below graphic details our 2021 Live Release Rate. This number includes all animals taken in and the euthanasia rates during 2021.